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Join Global Peace Event Online

Monday, Nov 11, 2024,  from 11:00 AM to 11:15 AM (IST)
Prime Time : 11:09 AM to 11:11 AM (IST)

Participating in Global Peace Day Online is a wonderful opportunity for people worldwide to participate in the live event, observe silence for 1 minute together, and experience the vibration of peace, harmony, and happiness.


If you are an individual or an organization, to Join the online event




Join the 60-Day Global Peace Movement Online

From September 12  to November 10, 2024, from 11:00 to 11:15 AM (IST)

Prime Time : 11:09 AM to 11:11 AM (IST)

It is said that,

When a technique is practiced for 21 days, it is registered in our brain.

When a technique is practiced for 48 days or 1 mandala, it becomes a habit.

When a technique is practiced for 90 days, the practice becomes a part of us.



Do you want to make #1minSilence practice a part of your life? 

Join daily on our free Zoom session


Benefits of #1minSilence practice

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Calms the minds

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Clarity of thought

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Improves energy

Share this invitation with your family, society, your friends and wellwishers, encouraging them to participate and experience the benefit of #1minSilence.

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